

FederBio is a national federation founded in 1992 through the initiative of organizations throughout the organic and biodynamic agriculture supply chain, with the aim of protecting and promoting its development. FederBio, a member of IFOAM and ACCREDIA, the Italian accreditation body for certification organizations, is recognized as the institutional representative of the sector in national and regional forums.



The Federation’s objectives are to promote a model of agriculture based on quality, well-being, and environmental sustainability. FederBio’s action aims to educate the actors of the agri-food supply chain and final consumers by supporting virtuous production models that do not involve the use of chemicals and production protocols that could harm ecosystems.


For FederBio, Pragmatika has implemented a series of integrated activities using the following tools: continuous media relations, production of editorial content, management of the Federation’s social media channels (planning, content, and graphic creativity), and communication activities during events organized in the territory.


The activities managed by Pragmatika have allowed FederBio’s messages to be positioned accurately and timely in the public opinion, thus supporting the Federation’s informational and cultural objectives. Social media communication also enables a broader reach to consumers/citizens, promoting a conscious approach to consumption choices.

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+39 051 6242214


Via Vittoria, 5B – 40068
San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)

Via Vittoria, 5 b – 40068 – San Lazzaro (Bologna) – Tel: 0516242214 – Fax: 0516245644
C.F./P.IVA: 02088551201 – Iscritta al registro delle Imprese di Bologna
Iscritta al R.E.A. di Bologna n° 412531
Capitale Sociale Sottoscritto Euro 16.000.00 interamente versato
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Web Design: Mollusco&balena